Mindfulness &

how to be aware in an unaware world

a close up shot of a wolf


“Our civilization is still in a middle stage, scarcely beast, in that it is no longer wholly guided by instinct; scarcely human, in that it is not yet wholly guided by reason.”
– Theodore Dreiser

Instinct and reason both help advance the human species. However much of our evolution has relied on instinct as the primary driver for survival, we now rely on reason to propel us.

Instinct is defined as an inborn pattern of behavior characteristic of a species and often a response to specific environmental stimuli.

Reason, on the other hand, is the capacity to apply logic consciously by concluding new or existing information, to seek the truth. It is associated with such characteristically human activities as philosophy, science, language, mathematics, and art, and is normally considered a distinguishing ability humans possess.


We are hard-wired to use both as a means of survival and evolution. There is a popular movement going on right now that concerns me, the movement away from reason, to act solely on impulse and instinct when guided by emotion and sensation.

Because of this, I believe there is a greater need to practice mindfulness than ever before. Mindfulness is characterized by an awareness of oneself in isolation and with the world around them.

If we reach a point where we use reason as a deduction and primary method of decision-making, we will inevitably make smarter, more mindful choices.

This is a point reached with mindfulness practice, deep contemplation, and deliberate action.

Such catalysts are meditation, gratitude, manifestation, deep conversation, open-minded thinking, and Tai Chi).

One thing recently revealed to me that I started for the new year is Gratitude Manifestation.

I’ll write a whole post on it soon, but basically, you express gratitude, on paper and out loud, for things and situations you want as if you already have them in your life.

One of them for me is saying, “I am thankful for a place of my own, near the mountains, filled with plants and artifacts from around the world, good people, and tall, wide windows allowing sunlight to stream in like a river flowing”.

I may not have this place yet in reality, but it’s clear and concise there in my mind whenever I look and recite it, and that holds the power to get it!

Also, the more descriptive and imaginative the manifestations are the better. Just make sure they’re realistic enough to achieve too (a nice-sized apartment vs a 6-bed mansion).

Instinct ought to be reserved as a survival mechanism for ourselves and others (like when we or someone else is in real danger and we can do something about it).

This property of our mind, the human mind, has allowed us to evolve into such safe living today, without fear of a lion eating us or the cold freezing us. Our instinct is our safeguard and we do need to tend to it too.

Such activities include camping, cold therapy like ice baths, heat therapy like saunas, strenuous exercise, and extreme sports.

Instinct and Reason balance on a scale as close as life and death do, both necessary for the nourishment of life.

This is a scale we must balance acutely though. We are more connected to the world than ever before and yet more disconnected from the person down the street.

Instinct tells us to stay away and take care of ourselves, but reason says to connect and include that person in our life.


I encourage us to ask: “What does this balance look like in my life?”

“Am I more guided by more feeling or thinking?” “Do I tend to act impulsive or mindfully? 

This is no easy task, it takes practice to be reasonable, but the beauty is that it is obtainable! Keep meditating ya’ll!


Thanks for reading these long, stream-of-consciousness posts ya’ll, your feedback keeps me writing them!

As always, feel free to share, print, comment below, or tell a friend. You can always support me too at buymeacoffee.com/mindfulnessand


  1. Theodore Dreiser | American Naturalist Novelist & Journalist
  2. The Instinct Definition: What It Is & the Science Behind It
  3. 9 Habits to Be a More Responsible Person
  4. How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain | Jim Kwik

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