Mindfulness &

how to be aware in an unaware world

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3 Ways Teamwork Helps Us

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“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
– Ryunosuke Satoro

It’s true. No man is an island. From the coffee we enjoy in the morning to the bed we sleep in at night, there are thousands of people to thank for procuring, developing, making, marketing, and delivering our stuff.

Humankind, the great collective, the stewards of this planet, has built massive buildings, been to the moon, created supercomputers that fit in our palm, and increased life expectancy tenfold.

And we have done it together, we have done it in teams large and small, diverse and different. With teamwork, the imagination of one becomes the reality of many.

And yes, humankind has messed up big time too, from World Wars, Climate Change, Addiction, Famine, Pollution, Corruption, and Extinction.

And, ironically, it took teamwork to do that too. It wasn’t conscious, thoughtful teamwork mind you, it was the us vs them mentality that led to so much unnecessary war and destruction.

But the fact is, together we can do so much, to change this planet for better or worse. Like ants, we are powerless alone, it’s in our unity and teamwork that the magic happens.

As cheesy as it sounds, that common phrase ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ is so true. I was watching a SpaceEx speaking event where Musk described the amount of complexity and ingenuity it took to get an object to orbit, and how utterly ridiculous it sounded to land it safely back on earth. The one constant that made it possible? Teamwork.

A far less ambitious dream of our own, say losing weight or obtaining a high-paying job, takes incremental steps to achieve. Surprisingly a workout could help lead to better employment or working hard at a job could help lead to crushing it in the gym.

  1. Teamwork allows us to pass on ideas and get real-time feedback on how to improve said ideas (instrumental for in-time completion).
  2. Teamwork offloads the work itself, reducing fatigue and burnout (while also building confidence to ask for help).
  3. Teamwork allows each member of the team to focus on their strengths (and learn new skills from other team members).


I encourage us because I need this inspiration too. What’s the point in telling someone to do a certain thing if I’m not willing to do it myself?

Consider joining a team volunteering at local homeless shelters, food banks, parks, or events. We will see the power of teamwork firsthand and be a part of something bigger.

I find a lot of opportunities to be a part of a team myself on the Meet Up App and have started a whole YouTube Channel based on going to random events on it haha.


  1. 11 Benefits of Teamwork in the Workplace (With Examples)
  2. How to Be a Team Player — Without Burning Out
  3. VolunteerMatch
  4. Ryūnosuke Akutagawa – Wikipedia

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