Mindfulness &

how to be aware in an unaware world

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  • Surprises


    “Man is a deterministic device thrown into a probabilistic universe. In this match, surprises are expected.”– Michael Lewis The only thing we can truly predict in this world is that the world will be unpredictable. This can scare some people, as we naturally don’t like surprises, but acceptance is the…

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  • Persistence


    “Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent.”– Steve Martin I always thought Steve Martin was one of the most talented people in the world, which goes to show how his persistence and drive to be a better comedian, actor, musician, and visionary in the film industry has contributed to…

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  • Time


    “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”– Steve Jobs Looking at what Apple has become today, we can see that Steve’s vision has been more than realized since his death. He spent his time living his own life, doing what he loved: innovation and entrepreneurship.…

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